Body Sculpting & Skin Tightening: Tyler ,TX

Live your potential and meet your goals

Your body may not always respond to your workouts and healthy eating. When that happens, you can speed up results with non-invasive tools that will contour your body and tighten skin with no downtime.

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New device


More muscle, less fat

For the first time ever, the Emsculpt NEO combines the powerhouse of two technologies we love for non-invasive body sculpting: HIFEM with RF (radio frequency) for unparalleled muscle building and fat reduction during the same treatment.

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This new device can treat a variety of areas including:

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Non-invasive pelvic floor strengthening

Urinary incontinence can become an issue for both women AND men when pelvic floor muscles become weak. Strengthening your pelvic floor can:

Urinary Incontinence

0 %
Improvement in UI at 3 months
0 %
Improvement in UI at 12 months
0 %
Improvement in Nocturia
0 %
Average hygiene pad reduction

Other outcomes

0 x
More effective compared to pelvic floor muscle training
0 x
More effective compared to electrical stimulation

How it works

EmSella is an FDA-cleared solution to incontinence for both men and women. Using electromagnetic energy to deliver pelvic floor contractions, the device effectively retrains muscles to support internal organs.

EmSella sessions are typically 30 minutes in length, and most patients require as few as 6 sessions.

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Lifts and sculpts

EMFACE utilizes the simultaneous application of Synchronized RF and HIFES™ technologies to affect facial skin, muscles, and connective tissue. The end result is less wrinkles and more lift.

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How does Emface work?

EMFACE utilizes patented, hands-free applicators to simultaneously emit both Synchronized RF and HIFES™ energies. Synchronized RF remodels and smooths skin by heating the dermis and increasing the levels of collagen and elastin fibers. HIFES™ technology restores and elevates support facial tissues by selectively contracting muscles and increasing density and quality of muscle structure.

EMFACE clinical studies showed on average:

The effect of these technologies leads to less wrinkles by 37% and more lift by 23%.

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Our Process


Book a consultation

Book a consultation with our medical staff. We’ll learn about your health and body goals to recommend a treatment plan.


Register for a customized treatment plan

Pricing and total number of treatments will depend on your goals and desires as well as how your body responds to treatments. Typically, most people need about 4-6 treatments in one area to reach their goals.


Love your new look

You’ve made a decision to do something for yourself. Be proud at home, at the gym, and the next time you go out.

Ready to take the next step to reach your goals?

Our team is dedicated to thoughtfully investing our
expertise into your short-term needs and long-term goals. If you’re ready to learn if EMSCULPT NEO, EmSella, or Emface is right for you, call us today.

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“Testimony about service goes here. Testimony about service goes here. Testimony about service goes here. Testimony about service goes here. Testimony about service goes here. Testimony about service goes here.”

Jane Doe, MyMD Select Member

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1. Choose the office nearest you and tap the button to get started.

2. Complete the online form. You can enroll yourself, spouse and children all at once.

3. We’ll reach out to schedule your initial set of labs and your first, thorough visit with your doctor at your home clinic.

Still have questions? We’d love to talk with you. 

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We offer continuing and comprehensive health care for the individual and family across all ages, genders, ailments, diseases, etc. Our team of medical professionals can handle it all, from newborns to seniors. And when a family member requires a hospital (surgery, etc.) we will point you in the right direction and be your medical advocate.